- Windows Asetussovellus ei avaudu tai vilahtaa auki ja sulkeutuu välittömästi | Dell Suomi Looking for: Windows 10 home settings wont open free Click here to DOWNLOAD Windows 10 home settings wont open free - If Settings stops working, Windows becomes pretty dysfunctional. Here Are 12 Fixes. Who knows why, but your Settings app may be disabled — perhaps in the wake of a Windows windows 10 home settings wont open free, or a bug, or perhaps wpnt at some point you tinkered around in the registry and did the wrong thing. Reboot your PC. If the problem is fixed, then great! Sometimes, the best перейти на страницу are those that seem too simple to be wnt. Alternatively, you can use the taskbar icons, with the method varying a little depending on your Windows version. The Settings app in Windows is counted among the official built-in Windows apps, so reinstalling it along with every other Windows app should fix whatever problems you may have with it....